Saturday 26 March
SESSION Β: The Empire, the Sea (Part II)
Chair: Bernard Flusin
9.30 Gelina Harlaftis: The Relation of Man and the Sea: the Approach of Maritime History
10.00 Vivien Prigent: Boulevards de mer: l’administration insulaire et la défense de l’empire
10.30 Salvatore Cosentino: I monaci e l’«Ufficio del mare». Storie di navi e privilegi del XII secolo
SESSION C: The Images and the Sea
Chair: Theodora Antonopoulou
11.30 Henry Maguire: Sea Magic in Byzantine Art and Literature: John Geometres and Symeon Metaphrastes
12.00 Michele Bacci: The Sea as a Factor in the Visual Experience of Saint Nicholas
12.30 Anastasia Drandaki: Safe Travels. Taming the Seas through Image, Word, and Sacred Matter in Byzantium
SESSION D: The Sea and the Texts (Part I)
Chair: Antonio Rigo
16.00 Christos Arabatzis & Georgios Pitsinelis:
Place et fonctions de la mer dans les textes hagiographiques proto-byzantins
16.30 Marina Detoraki: La mer dans les Miracles des saints Cyr et Jean par Sophrone
17.00 Vincent Deroche: La mer dans le De Aedificiis de Procope