
May 28, 2022

Co-organization of International Scientific Conference about Mount Athos, 28.5.2022

Co-organization of International Scientific Conference about Mount Athos, 28.5.2022
May 19, 2022

19-21 May 2022 – International Scientific Conference – ”Islamizations During the period of the Ottoman Empire”- Watch the streaming!

19-21 May 2022 – International Scientific Conference – ”Islamizations During the period of the Ottoman Empire”Watch the Streaming!!
May 18, 2022

Visit by the Vice President of the Attica Region in charge of Culture, Mr. Haris Romas at the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice.

Visit by the Vice President of the Attica Region in charge of Culture, Mr. Haris Romas at the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in […]
May 9, 2022

Agreement between the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice and the Chair of Greek Studies of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi

Agreement between the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice and the Greek Chair at JNU in New Delhi on the organization of two […]
March 28, 2022

Watch Streaming – April, 1-3, 2022 -International Conference “European Philhellenism and Greek Revolution “

Watch Streaming – April, 1-3, 2022 – International Conference – European Philhellenism and Greek Revolution
March 25, 2022

Watch streaming – International Conference The Byzantines and the Sea in Texts and Images – 25-27 March 2022 

WATCH STREAMING CONFERENCE 25-27 march 2022 The ByzantInes and the Sea in Texts and Images – SESSION Α -25 March 2022 Friday 25 March    Introduction  […]
March 24, 2022

International Conference Announcement- 12th – 16th December 2022- New Delhi – India

International Conference Announcement The Greek World and India History, Culture and Trade from the Hellenistic period to Modern Times (4th c. BCE – 18th c. CE). […]
March 9, 2022

25-26-27 March 2022- International Conference – The Byzantines and the Sea in Texts and Images

Salonicco – Venezia: Tracce di Persone, Strade della StoriaXV – XIX secolomostra di testimonianze storiche e di rappresentazione visivaSala di Capitolo dell’Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini […]
February 18, 2022

Greetings of General Secretariat for Greeks abroad and Public Diplomacy of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Salonicco – Venezia: Tracce di Persone, Strade della StoriaXV – XIX secolomostra di testimonianze storiche e di rappresentazione visivaSala di Capitolo dell’Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini […]