
September 2, 2022

Pontifical Vesper, with the participation of the choir of San Simeon of Thessaloniki, in the Church of San Giorgio dei Greci in Venice during the external events of the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, 26.8.2022

Pontifical Vesper, with the participation of the choir of San Simeon of Thessaloniki, in the Church of San Giorgio dei Greci in Venice during the external […]
August 25, 2022

Byzantine Music Concert in the Church of San Giorgio dei Greci in Venice during the external events of the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies

Byzantine Music Concert of the choir of San Simeon of Thessaloniki, in the Church of San Giorgio dei Greci in Venice during the external events of […]
June 1, 2022

Scholarship holders of the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-byzantine Studies in Venice for the academic year 2022-2023

Scholarship holders of the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-byzantine Studies in Venice for the academic year 2022-2023 ANNOUNCEMENT Athens, 31-05-2022 The Supervisory Committee of the […]
May 28, 2022

Co-organization of International Scientific Conference about Mount Athos, 28.5.2022

Co-organization of International Scientific Conference about Mount Athos, 28.5.2022
May 18, 2022

Visit by the Vice President of the Attica Region in charge of Culture, Mr. Haris Romas at the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice.

Visit by the Vice President of the Attica Region in charge of Culture, Mr. Haris Romas at the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in […]
May 9, 2022

Agreement between the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice and the Chair of Greek Studies of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi

Agreement between the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice and the Greek Chair at JNU in New Delhi on the organization of two […]
March 24, 2022

International Conference Announcement- 12th – 16th December 2022- New Delhi – India

International Conference Announcement The Greek World and India History, Culture and Trade from the Hellenistic period to Modern Times (4th c. BCE – 18th c. CE). […]